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Tea Tree Oil For Bed Bugs

by Reader Suggestion

I have been using tea tree oil to kill the bedbugs and it works right on contact. but it does leave oil residue on mattresses. This oil also costs a bit but its herbal and doesn't bother the people with breathing problems. It does how ever have a strong smell to it. I hope this helps some people out.

Editor Comment Bed Bugs Tea Tree Oil

We are revising our guidance for tea tree oil. In general trying tea tree oil as a natural bed bug remedy can be effective for reducing the size of a bed bug population and potentially eliminating a small population. To use, dilute 20 drops of tea tree oil in a water filled spray bottle and apply directly onto bed bugs. The mixture will enter the insects exoskeleton and suffocate the insects.

According to one study from the Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, Tea Tree oil has a fumigation effect, but no effect when sprayed directly on bed bugs. Other sources claim that it kills bed bugs on contact.

For larger infestation we do not believe this is an effective approach since most bed bugs in an infestation are in hiding, the only thing you will be doing is to "knock down" the size of the population. This might be an effective approach for small infestations.

If you live in an apartment, a study by Rutgers University showed that the use of tea tree oil or an insecticide spray only eliminated bed bugs from 22% of treated apartments. If you live in an apartment there is a 20% chance that bed bugs spread from an adjoining apartment. If all apartments are not treated, the problem will just return.

If you live in a private home we suggest purchasing a Powders and Sprays">bed bug kit that contains several products including insecticide based sprays. You can use this in conjunction with a natural product such as diatomaceous earth that will kill bed bugs that pass through the dust field.

If you live in an apartment you can try a contact spray while you wait for a professional exterminator to inspect all adjoining apartments and to apply the appropriate treatment.

According to the Mayo Clinic Tea Tree Oil is generally safe when it comes in contact with human skin. In some people it can cause irritation. It is also toxic to cats and dogs.

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Aug 19, 2019
by: Anonymous

But it does kill them on contact.

Nov 05, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have been using tea tree oil for my bed bugs and lavender. after spending lots of money on chemical sprays. the oils worked great, however I did purchase mattress covers for both mattress and box springs. I must say this is the diluted form and wearing gloves. I sprayed my sheets, pillow cases, floors, curtains, and my covers for the bed. also used borax on the floors and in between mattress and box spring...all gone in only 1 week.

Jul 31, 2018
Tea tree oil
by: Anonymous

Of course they will say this. I'm an environmental specialist and Tea Tree oil is safe and effective. I have been recommended people for years regarding this oil. Companies want people to pay big bucks and hire expensive fumigators. I own a cat and it's completely safe in moderate amounts. The only thing he said was correct do not dilute oil will be less effective.

Aug 12, 2016
Editors comment is a LIE!!
by: Anonymous

The editors comment about tea tree oil not being safe to put on the skin is a Lie and it causing skin irritation or being unsafe for the family!! They make shampoos and lotions with tea tree oil in it. That is how safe it is! It is excellent on killing bed bugs and a number of other pests!! So get your facts straight! You must be getting paid to endorse other products instead!

Editor Comment:
We believe that tea tree oil is generally safe as a topical. it is used to treat problems such as acne and other types of superficial skin infections (source: Mayo Clinic.

Tea Tree Oil can cause skin irritation in some people leading to rash, itch, stinging or scaling. There is also no evidence of drug interactions with Tea Tree Oil.

DO NOT swallow Tea Tree Oil as it is a toxin and can cause some loss of consciousness, lack of muscle control or confusion.

Last, no recommendations made on this entire site are based on financial gain. We do get compensation from some recommendations when you purchase, but that is only secondary to suggesting what is right.

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