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Is this a bed bug? Please help.

by Chris

Is This a BedBug?

Is This a BedBug?


I recently moved out of a place that had bed bugs and into my parents house. All of my suitcases were under the bed that had bugs. My suitcase sat in my parents house on the floor for about 5 days before realizing that the place I moved from had the bugs. Since then I've been vigilant about cleaning etc. Unfortunately yesterday I think we found our first specimen. But I can't be sure. Can you tell me, from the attached picture, if this is indeed a bed bug. It seems to fit the description.


Editor Comment:

Since we were delayed in responding, we assume you already determined that this is a bed bug. There are insects that look similar to bedbugs, so have a professional verify in person to be sure. You can also send a actual insect (or photo) to the Cornell Diagnostic Lab for confirmation. You can also contact your local cooperative extension for assistance or a local exterminator.

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