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How do I ensure my apartment pays to remove the bed bugs?

After reading your site and the AZ state law, it seems I am under no obligation to remedy the bed bug situation at my apartment. My apartment complex is stating that I am financially responsible to remove the bed bugs when I notified them yesterday. I just moved in a couple months ago and did not bring any furniture that contained bed bugs. I also notified them immediately the same day after seeing signs of bed bugs. How can I ensure they pay to remove them when they are claiming that I have to?

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Feb 19, 2018

by: Jeffrey

Arizona bed bug statutes (A.R.S. §33-1319, and relaed §33-1324, and §33-1341) do not clearly specify who is responsible for paying for bed bug treatment. The law states that 1) landlords must provide bed bug educational materials to the tenant, 2) the landlord cannot rent a unit that is infested with bedbugs. This part of the law DOES NOT state who is responsible for payment. The landlord does have to hire a licensed applicator to treat the apartment.

Arizona law A.R.S. §33-1324 does state that the landlord "must keep the property in a fit and habitable condition." It also states that the tenant must "keep the premises in a clean and safe condition."

Since bed bugs are considered parasites, we believe their presence in an apartment is a violation of the law, making landlords responsible. That said, this is for lawyers and the courts to decide.

The law states that the landlord must maintain the dwelling unite free of an infestation of bedbugs. Within 7 business days after receiving written or electronic notice of a possible bedbug infestation from a tenant, the landlord or the landlord's licensed pest control applicator shall visually inspect the dwelling unit for bedbugs. Within seven business days after finding evidence that a bedbug infestation exists in the dwelling unit, the landlord shall start the process of mitigation of the bedbugs in the dwelling unit. It does not say that the landlord has to pay for treatment.

Further, treating an individual apartment will not solve the bed bugs problem. All surrounding apartments need to be treated as well, or else bed bugs in the walls will spread and reenter a treated apartment.

If the landlord is refusing to inspect your apartment and surrounding apartments, and then treat all apartments at their expense, we suggest contacting the Arizona Tenants Advocates & Association at (480) 557-8905 for advice.

Feb 19, 2018
by: Jeff

Arizona bed bug statutes (A.R.S. §33-1319, and relating §33-1324, and §33-1341) do not clearly specify who is responsible for paying for bed bug treatment. The law states that 1) landlords must provide bed bug educational materials to the tenant, 2) the landlord cannot rent a unit that is infested with bedbugs. The law DOES NOT state who is responsible for payment. The landlord does have to hire a licensed applicator to treat the apartment.

Arizona law A.R.S. §33-1324 does state that the landlord "must keep the property in a fit and habitable condition." It also states that the tenant must "keep the premises in a clean and safe condition."

Since bed bugs are considered parasites, we believe their presence in an apartment is a violation of the law, making landlords responsible. That said, this is for lawyers and the courts to decide.

Further, treating an individual apartment will not solve the bed bugs problem. All surrounding apartments need to be treated as well, or else bed bugs in the walls will spread and reenter a treated apartment.

We would suggest contacting the Arizona Tenants Advocates & Association at (480) 557-8905 for advice.

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