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Bedbugs Have Taken Over! Please HELP!!!!

by Misti Staker
(Bakersfield, CA 93307)

Bed Bug Bites

Bed Bug Bites

OMG! I have bedbugs now it's terrible. I have a low-income and am struggling. I have destroyed my bed and I have bombed and sprayed these little suckers.

They are not dying. My kids have bites, my legs and back of the feet are bitten up. I am so embarrassed I want to die. It is hot on top of that with nowhere to rest without getting bitten up.

I cannot afford to get mattress covers n all the stuff to get them under control.

Please help me, someone. I feel like I'm going insane.

God bless,


Editor Suggestions

Hi Misti,

So sorry to hear about all of the problems being caused by bed bugs.

Here are a few suggestions:

1) I see you live in California. If you rent a home or apartment under California Civil Code 1953, a landlord must provide rental premises free from rodents and vermin. Bed bugs fall within the definition of vermin. Notify your landlord verbally and in writing that you would like your home inspected and treated for bed bugs. In your letter indicate that you verbally let the building manager know about the problem and request that they honor their duty to correct the problem.

If they do not correct the problem, notify your local renter mediation program or local fair housing authority for help.

2) If you own your home, then there is no choice but to get an exterminator. It sounds like the infestation has gotten too large to treat yourself. Also, it is a good idea to have a professional confirm that the problem is in fact caused by bed bugs. Many exterminators will work with you to either lower costs or provide a reasonable payment plan. We particularly like exterminators that can be found on the Home Advisor network since they are reviewed (or call them at 866-214-8380).

You could also call your local department of health to see if they can offer any financial assistance.

Never use bed bug bombs. They do not work and just chase the bed bugs into the walls. If you must treat them yourself due to cost, invest in a treatment instructions.

3) In the mean time, we suggest covering exposed skin areas when sleeping. Bed bugs will not bite through clothes.

For reference see Is Landlord Responsible for Bedbug Infestation?.

Best of Luck,


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