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California Bed Bug Laws, Information & Resources

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"Bed bug issues in Vancouver are increasing, resulting in some local pest control companies reporting as many as 10 calls per day, previously some struggled to get one call. This is a 25% increase. According to bedbugregistry, the city has had over 1,944 bed bug reports. People can either treat the bed bug infestation in their homes themselves or hire a professional. Tenants are responsible for working with their landlord when fighting bed bugs in British Columbian apartments or rental units. It is not clear in the law who pays for any extermination efforts." 

Vancouver's bed bug problem has been persistent for many years. Vancouver has had over 1,000 reports of bed bugs. While some attribute the problem to travelers coming into town for the Olympics, problems are consistent with other major cities in the world.

Bed bugs are known as being excellent hitch hikers, moving into the luggage and clothing of people traveling. Once these individuals arrive home, the bed bugs quickly seek narrow hiding spaces located near human or even pet hosts.

Getting Rid of Your Bed Bug Problems in Vancouver, CA

Make sure to always check around your room and bed first, bed bugs usually stay within 10 feet of the bed or their hiding area. Check the bed frame, box spring, mattresses(seams too), and furniture. Bed bugs tend to come from places like hotels, motels and apartments, usually when traveling. They stick on clothes and other items, make sure to isolate any travel items or anything infested, you can put them in a big Ziploc bag that will keep them secure until safe to throw out.

Bed bugs are considered the toughest type of insect to exterminate yourself. Because of this, for control and removal of bed bugs in Vancouver we always recommend hiring an exterminator. Be sure to get quotes from several exterminators since the cost can be $500 to $1,000 (CAD) or more for a typical home or apartment. A convenient way to get a few free quotes is to visit Home Advisor as they pre-screen local Vancouver exterminators and make sure that they are properly licensed and insured. Compare these quotes to any listed in our exterminator database. 

Consumer reviews of Toronto based pest control experts can be found on Angies List

The key to treating bed bugs yourself is to purchase the correct combination of products and to use these along with the right methods. This includes vacuuming, a knock down spray, residual or long lasting spray, diatomaceous earth and other helpful products. The most economical way to purchase these products is to buy either an insecticide based bed bug kit or an organic bed bug kit.  

Elimination Process

treating mattress with mattress safe spray sterifabBed Bug Mattress Spray | Sprays should be labeled mattress safe. These types of sprays will kill bed bugs on contact. Also purchase a spray that provides several weeks of protection as well (residual sprays).

The residual sprays that were verified by the University of Kentucky as still working against insecticide resistant bed bugs are PhantomBedlam, and Sterifab.

applying bedlam spray to cracks and crevices of the baseboardApply Residual sprays along baseboards to kill hiding bed bugs in the home or to reduce the number that could come in from adjoining apartments.

See detailed instructions for do it yourself approach on our guide to how to kill bed bugs.

Bed Bugs Vancouver - News Stories

"Vancouver ranks #4 most bed bug-infested city in Canada"
- Vancouver Is Awesome

"It was horrifying': Couple finds bed bugs in North Vancouver motel"
- CTV News British Columbia

BedBugs Toronto Government Resources

Health Canada Bed Bugs Brochure (PDF Download)

Health Canada Bedbug Resources

Pest Management Regulatory Agency

Landlord Tenant Bed Bug Law and Disputes

In Vancouver, the law doesn't specifically state who is required to pay for bed bug problems.  

In section 32 (1)(a) and section 32 (2) of the Vancouver landlord tenant law it states that "a landlord and tenant must comply and maintain reasonable health, cleanliness and sanitary standards in the residential properties under a tenancy agreement."

Since it doesn't expressly state who is responsible for payment, the best approach is often to report a problem and then request that the landlord pay for an inspection and extermination. If the landlord refused, proposed a 50/50 split, or organize tenants to take legal action against the landlord. As indicated above, the landlord share in the responsibility, so at minimum, should pay some of the cost. 

The Residential Tenancy Branch of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General does have a landlord and tenant formal dispute resolution process that can be of help in negotiating with landlords.

You can read the transcript of a recent British Columbia landlord and tenant bed bugs dispute here (PDF download).

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