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Omaha and Nebraska Bed Bug Laws, Information & Resources

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"Bed Bug problems have been reported throughout the State of  Nebraska, with many issues reported in Omaha itself. Issues tend to be related to visitors that bring bed bugs with them to tourist areas such as Sun Valley and Ketchum. According to an Orkin survey, Omaha ranks 35th on the list of the top 50 U.S. cities for bed bug infestations.

If you are a tenant, there is no bed bugs specific legislation in the State of Nebraska which guides landlord tenant disputes when there is a bed bug infestation. In all likelihood, the tenant will be billed for any treatment costs. Check with your building management to be certain." 

tenant rights and bed bug Laws

While legislation has been introduced in the Nebraska Legislature to clarify responsibility for Bed Bug Treatment, as of August 13, 2020 it has been indefinitely postponed.

See LB864 - Adopt the Bed Bug Detection and Treatment Act for cities of the metropolitan class.

Another bill LB553 introduced February 9, 2021 would require landlords to provide bed bug inspections and remediation. The bill is under consideration by the Nebraska urban affairs committee. The bill would:

  • Require landlords to inspect and treat bed bugs in any rental unit in the State of Nebraska
  • Mandate that landlords pay for treatment
  • Require tenants to notify landlords about bedbugs
  • Require landlords to respond to complaints within 96 hours

The legislation is being opposed by the Nebraska REALTORs association and the Real Estate Owners and Managers Association of Lincoln who believe tenants should pay for any treatment.

Read more about LB553

Without this legislation there is no clarity regarding who is responsible for bed bug remediation, and how quickly it needs to occur.  It is likely that in Nebraska tenants will be billed for the cost of treatment.

If you just moved into a rental apartment there is an implied warranty of habitability. This means that the landlord must provide a rental property that meets basic safety and living standards, and that will continue to provide that for the duration of the occupancy.  If you are sued for non-payment of rent due to bed bugs, you can countersue claiming breach of the warranty of habitability. 

For example a tenant would have a good case if they can prove that 1) an adjacent apartment was infested and 2) the landlord did nothing to remedy the situation before the infestation spread to your apartment. We would suggest consulting with your local department of health, the department that manages rental apartment codes, or a local attorney if landlords refuse to remediate the situation (treat and control the infestation).

Government Resources and information

Douglas County Health Department Statement on Bed Bugs

Tri-County Health Department Statement on Bed Bugs (Serving Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas Counties)

Nebraska bed bugs news

Who's Responsible for rental property bed bug infestations? Unicam wants to add clarity.
- 6 News Omaha

Local Bed bug Pest control experts

It can cost $400 a room to treat bed bugs in Omaha.  Because of the high cost, it pays to get several quotes.  The easiest way to get a few quotes is to do the following:

1. Get a Free Home Inspection from Exterminators on the  eLocal Network (877-673-2704): This is a national network of pest control companies that are pre-screened before being approved for membership in the network.  Each member needs to be licensed and insured.

2. Request a Free Home Inspection From Home Advisor
Visit our page on finding an exterminator to request up to 3 quotes and for a list of questions to ask.

If you have a small infestation or need to treat a room yourself, we highly recommend that you purchase a kit designed for this purpose that contains the required pesticides  (using only 1 spray for example will not both kill bed bugs on contact and provide lasting protection).  Kits can be affordably purchased along with treatment instructions from Bed Bug Supply

You do not need to throw out your mattresses. Instead use a bed bug proof mattress cover to trap any bed bugs. Don't use a cover until the mattress and surrounding areas have been treated. The cover will then trap any insects you might have missed during treatment.


what are the signs that you have bed bugs

There are multiple bed bug signs in a home or apartment including skin bites, brown or red mattress stains and spots, furniture upholstery stains, or the sighting of an insect hiding in a tight crack or mattress crevice. The only sure way to know if to capture one or more actual pests.

do you have to throw out your bed if you have bed bugs

You do not have to throw out your bed if you have bed bugs. After treatment from a a professional exterminator or do it yourself treatment with a kit, use a bed bug proof mattress cover to trap any insects you might have missed.

how do you draw bed bugs out of hiding?

Bed bugs are attracted to CO 2. You can buy a trap like the Bed Bug Beacon that uses natural CO 2 to trap any insects. Most traps are used to monitor rooms and to judge the size of an infestation. They are not meant to eliminate or control a bed bug problem.

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