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How To Treat Bed Bugs Minnesota Infestations

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" Luckily, Bed Bugs laws in Minnesota spell out how to handle landlord tenant issues. such as bed bugs. Unfortunately, homeowners are on their own, but can treat an infestation by following the advice provided below. For renters, a free legal hot line is also available for tenants and landlords that would like to understand their rights when an infestation occurs. Local governments also provide resources to help homeowners kill bed bugs. There is also a hotline offered by the University of Minnesota under the "Let's Beat the Bug" program that will answer any bed bug related questions for free. The resources listed below will give you all of the information Minnesota residents need to eliminate a bed bug infestation."  

Minnesota has not been immune from the bed bug problems plaguing the rest of the world. Bed Bug Registry lists over 400 recent self reported problems in Minneapolis alone.

Landlord and Tenant Bed Bugs Minnesota Laws

In Minnesota, landlords are required to treat and pay for bed bug problems. If the landlord does take action in 14 days, tenants are allowed to withhold rent (be sure to consult an attorney - see below).  

It is important that a tenant inform a landlord in writing the moment they learn of the bed bug infestation. If a landlord will not correct or repair a problem, a local housing inspector can be called by the tenant. If the inspector finds code violations in the unit, the inspector will give the landlord a certain amount of time to correct them. If the landlord does not make the corrections, the inspector has the authority to serve a summons on the landlord to appear in court

If your building managing agent or landlord does not take action, you can inform the landlord in writing that you are withholding rent and placing it into escrow, for payment only after treatment is provided. You'll need a form for this which is available from a local housing court.

Minnesota landlords do not have to pay to put you up in a hotel during treatment and tenants must cooperate with instructions provided by the exterminator.

We always suggest contacting a lawyer if a landlord is not performing the required inspection and treatment within 14 days. If you can't afford one, there are free services available.

You can review the Minnesota Landlords and Tenants Rights and Responsibilities law here. If you require a lawyer or cannot afford one, contact about bed bugs Minnesota law and problem resolution.

Bed Bugs Minnesota Homeowner Treatment Recommendations

How to Hire an Experienced Minnesota Exterminator

We always recommend that home owners that can afford it should hire an experienced professional. The National Pest Management association polled exterminators who indicated that bed bugs are the toughest insect to treat. For this reason, we always suggest contacting an experienced exterminator when treating this problem. It's important to get several quotes, since each exterminator will vary by experience, methods used and cost. It can cost over $1000 for a home or apartment.

Start by getting up to 3 free quotes from Home Advisor. They are a network of local exterminators in Minnesota with the network prescreening members for insurance and licenses. You can also check our online exterminator database for bed bugs Minnesota exterminators. Confirm that the contractor you select is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture for pest control. Also confirm the pest control company's experience and if they have a procedure for controlling a bed bug infestation.

TIP: Often 3 treatments are required. Make sure that any pest control company you hire guarantees their work.

Professionals often have access to insecticides and mechanical methods that are not available to homeowners. This can include freezing spray, thermal remediation or heat and chemicals only sold to licensed professionals.

Do It Yourself Bed Bugs Treatment

Because of the high cost, many Minnesota homeowners decide to treat the problem themselves. Be sure to purchase the combination of products needed, as no one spray or powder can do the job effectively. These products can be purchased in an organic bed bug kit or an insecticide based bed bug kit

It is impossible to treat an infestation with just one product or method. For example, one type of bed bug spray can kill bedbugs and eggs on contact, while another provides a longer lasting barrier for killing any bed bugs you might have missed. This in addition to using a vacuum and/or heat plus a dust product creates a complete bed bug solution. Every inch of an infested room needs to be inspected.

See this page for detailed instructions on how to treat bed bugs.

Bed Bug Minnesota News

"Bedbugs Found In Cases Of Student-Issued iPads In St. Paul"
- CBS Minnesota

Minnesota Bed Bug Government Resources

Minnesota Department of Health

Prevention and Control of Bed Bugs in Residences
- University of Minnesota

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