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Bed bugs Invaded My House and Not Sure How They Got Here

by Anonymous Reader

Bed bugs invaded my house and not sure how they got here, maybe a hotel or a guest who had some luggage.The main problem with the bugs is keeping up with doing laundry every day and scrubbing every inch of the house. It is exhausting, taking showers and making sure clothing does not get contaminated.

After sleeping outside for three weeks I returned to my house only to find that the bugs were worse after I started cleaning and using diatomaceous earth and other bed bug sprays. This is the most horrible nightmare that has ever happened to me. It is mind boggling how the bugs can find the most sensitive and horribly painful places to bite. I do not think anyone has talked about how painful the bites become after several day and weeks. The bites are very painful and make me nauseous at first. Then they become welts that open to enlarged soars with my flesh missing in the center. It is very painful, along with the fact that I have difficulty sleeping at night.

Dealing with this problem has been the most horrible thing imaginable and it does not seem like it will ever end. I have thrown away all my carpets, rugs, pillows, stuffed animals, chairs, mattresses, and everything possible to try and eliminate them. Although things are better, I am still trying to get ahead of their take over. This entire event makes me ill and it is a constant battle with exhaustion from the constant daily washing, scrubbing, vacuuming and mental anguish over losing my house and feeling like I have the plague and do not want to go to visit anyone for fear I will take a bug to their house.

I feel as though I am being eaten alive every night and found some bed bug pajamas which need to buy and start wearing. I dry cleaned half of my clothes and washed over seventy loads of laundry, removed everything from my dressers and closets and still the bugs are present. I am exhausted from fighting these bugs that have a skeleton. What bug has a skeleton and can find your specific sensitive and tender areas and pinpoint them with such precision and
then get your back where you do not have any way to get medicine there. I have steamed and cleaned, and scrubbed and sprayed and they are still here. This is an extremely frustrating and horrific experience and it is so hard not to give up and just let them eat me alive. This is the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me and am exhausted from fighting this battle.

Suggestion From Our Editor On How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

This is one of the worst cases of bed bugs we have ever heard. The problem is that when an infestation gets as large as yours, bed bugs move into the walls. Combine this with the use of only one spray that may not have the residual action needed and you have an infestation that doesn't seem to end.

If you can afford it, we suggest hiring a professional exterminator that guarantees results such as those available through the Home Advisor network or call (866) 214-8380. They will give you an idea regarding the size of the infestation and the best way to proceed.

The ideal solution is to hire a thermal remediation company that can heat treat your entire home (assuming it is a private house). The problem with this approach while 100% effective is that it can be expensive (up to $4,000 for an entire home).

If you cannot afford an exterminator, then we suggest buying a bed bug kit with the required products. This includes a contact spray, a residual spray, and the diatomaceous earth you mentioned.

If you cannot afford any of these approaches, then we suggest contacting your local department of health (see our list of local bed bug resources) who may be able to provide some level of financial assistance or who can identify an exterminator that will either lower their rates or work out a payment plan.

Our thoughts are with you as you try and combat this problem. Know that even professionals consider bed bugs to be the hardest insect to exterminate, requiring up to 3 treatments.

In the mean time, try wearing tight fitting clothes at night and keep all skin areas covered. Bed bugs will not bite through clothing.

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