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Bed Bugs at College!!!

by Justin
(Scottsdale Arizona)

I'm 21 and a college student and I woke up 2 mornings ago with a swelled hand. It turns out it was 3 bites all close in a straight line along my thumb.

Thinking it was a spider, I left it alone. My fiance said it might be bed bugs. I went to lay down last night itched all over..

I said ta hell with it.. got everything outta my room... cloth everything.. Vacuumed it all up.. then took 409 sprayed the box spring + mattress all but top down with 409 all purpose cleanser.. then took febreeze to everything.... the box spring mattress everything... then took everything i stripped ran it on high heat in the dryer... i then took it out set it aside and started heating pillows with the bed pad still hot.. and lambs wool pad hot i put the lamb wool then the pad then a fresh sheet then a comforter and I will put another one on top now i have the pillows coming out i am spraying down with febreeze and placing them in new pillow cases also.. i sprayed all the crevices with 409 after it was vacuumed.. I dunno if it is/was bed bugs but whatever it is.. is either dead or dying or suffocating bad

Editor Comment


Thanks for sharing your bed bug story. Unfortunately, the approaches you are using such as using 409 and Febreeze, will have little or no impact on bed bugs.

It's always best to call in a professional. If you can't afford it, here are some tips that could help with bed bug treatment:

1. Vacuuming will help. Be sure to vacuum all crevices and then dispose of the vacuum bag out of the home.

2. Washing all linens, including blankets, bed pads, covers etc. in hot water followed by 20 to 30 minutes in the dryer will kill bed bugs and bed bug eggs. Only carry items our of the infested room in plastic bags to avoid spreading the problem through your home.

3. Treat the mattress, box spring, furniture, crevices with a bed bug spray. Make sure that it is mattress safe.

4. If you have a hand steamer, steam all seams on the mattress and box springs.

More tips can be found in our guide to bed bug treatment.

Best of luck with the bed bug problem.

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