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Bed Bug Itch Problem

by Anonymous

Picture Bed Bug Bites

Picture Bed Bug Bites

I have been taking Benaydrl and hydro cream...I can't get them to stop itching..what do I do..on one arms it iss really bad..the hives are covering the entire arm kinda likes like a burn but raised up and has hive like bumps..very painful

Mine started out as little bites on my belly, and over time they turned into hives with a rash like feel to them. It covered my entire right side.(at that time I was told I had poison Ivy).

Now its back and its all over my chest, arms , legs, and well as my belly. I noticed them shortly after I moved, and I do believe they are on my animals as well. Any suggestions on how to get them to stop itching please reply.

Editor Tips to Stop Bed Bug Itch

Sorry to hear about your bed bug itch problem. From your description, it sounds like you are having an allergic reaction to the bed bug bites. The formation of hives, blisters, rash etc. all are indicative of a bad reaction. We know that bed bug bite itch can be some of the worst itch you ever experienced.

You also have to be careful not to scratch the bites, as a secondary skin infection can set in. This will make matters worse and require immediate medical treatment with a topical or oral antibiotic.

In addition to the Benadryl, I'd suggest an over the counter itch cream designed for insect bites. If you need something right now, visit your local pharmacy. You can also try good old fashioned calamine lotion or an oatmeal bath product. Aveeno anti-itch cream with oatmeal is a good choice.

If you can wait a day or two, there are two products available online specifically formulated to treat bed bug itch and to help protect against infection. They are All Stop and ProEcza Cream.

Bed bug bites will go away in a few days, although severe reactions could take several weeks. Try the itch products mentioned above and your problem should begin to go away. If not, or if they are bleeding, have puss etc. be sure to see a Doctor.

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Dec 08, 2017
Use lime as home remedy
by: Anonymous

The lime absolutely works to relieve the itch sensation due to a bugs bite. It is also will minimize the mark after the bite. Just put a slice of lime to your skin where the bug's bite and left alone until morning. Repeat the process every morning and evening before going to bed. Trust me, it works!!

Dec 21, 2010
Cannot Stop Itching
by: Anonymous

i cant stop itching and i am not sure how to tell my mom please help me!!!

Editor Suggestion

If you are itching all over, it is probably allergy. Insect bites tend to itch in specific locations - wherever you are bitten.

Allergy is either caused by something you ate, or a change in blankets or the way your clothes are washed. Ask your mom is she changed laundry detergent recently. It can also be changes in the soap you use or shampoo.

Going back to old foods that you've eaten for a long time, or eliminating a new laundry detergent will make the itch go away.

If the cause is an insect, check your mattress for bed bugs (you'll be able to see them if you look deep into the seams). Brown spots on the mattress mean you probably have bed bugs. Again, tell your mom, since these can spread from room to room in the house and needs to be exterminated.

Other causes include dry air (cold weather is causing us all to run our heat more)

. If this is the case, try a moisturizing soap such as Dove.

If you can get to a store, buy some Aveeno. It will help to stop the itch.

Best of luck with the body itch problem.

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